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Política de Cookies

A Cookie is a file downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Among other things, cookies allow a website to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or device and, depending on the information they contain and how the device is used, they can be used to recognise the user.

Cookies are essential to the operation of the internet and provide countless benefits in the supply of interactive services, making it easier for you to browse and use our website.

The information we provide you below will help you to learn about the different types of cookies.

DEPENDING ON THE ENTITY THAT MANAGES THEM First-party cookies These are those collected by the publisher itself to provide the service requested by the user.
Third-party cookies These are those collected and managed by a third party, which cannot be considered first-party cookies.
ACCORDING TO THE PERIOD THEY REMAIN ACTIVE Session cookies They collect data while the user browses the network for the purpose of providing the requested service.
Persistent cookies They are stored in the device and the information obtained will be used by the cookie manager for the purpose of providing the requested service.
ACCORDING TO THEIR PURPOSE Technical cookies They are necessary to browse the website correctly.
Customisation cookies They allow the user to adjust the settings (language) used to browse the website.
Analysis cookies They allow the provider to perform an analysis related to browsing by users, for the purpose of monitoring use of the website as well as to compile statistics about the most visited content, number of visitors, etc.
Advertising cookies They allow the publisher to post advertisements on the website, based on the content of the website itself.
  Behavioural advertising cookies They allow the publisher to post advertisements on the website, based on information obtained through the user’s browsing habits.


According to the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), POLIMEROS GESTIÓN INDUSTRIAL S.L.U. informs you of the cookies used on our website:







First-party cookies Third-party cookies Session cookies Persistent cookies


Technical cookies x      
Customisation cookies x      
Analysis cookies   x    
Advertising cookies        
Behavioural advertising cookies        


Google Analytics: It stores cookies to compile statistics about traffic and number of visits to this website. By using this website, you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Google. Therefore, to exercise any right in this regard, you must contact Google directly.

Google Analytics cookies are stored in servers located in the United States and they undertake not to share it with third parties except in cases where this is necessary for the system to operate or when required to do so by law. According to Google, they do not store your IP address.

Google Inc. is a company affiliated with the “Privacy Shield”, which guarantees that all data transferred shall be processed with a level of protection compliant with European regulations. You can find detailed information about this through the following link.

If you wish to, you can use the Google Analytics opt-out add-on for browsers and follow the instructions to reject analytics cookies from this service in all browsers. You can find more information about this through the following link

Likewise, POLIMEROS GESTIÓN INDUSTRIAL S.L.U. informs users that they have the possibility to configure their browsers to notify them when they receive cookies and, if they wish to, they can prevent them from being installed on their hard drives.

Below you can find links for different browsers to find out how to adjust these settings:

Firefox through here 

Chrome through here  

Explorer through here  

Safari through here